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Discovering The Asset Explorer

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The left-side Assets explorer provides you with an organized view of your the transfer model and its differents elements as well as ready access to the commands that pertain to them.

properties 16x 16


Displays the appropriate property user interface for the selected item in the tree view.

Tree view

The Assets explorer provides its own icons for indicating the nature of the items in the project.




assets 16x 16


Press F4 or Alt-Enter or Right-click to display the Properties window.

generator-group 16x 16


Right-click to add a new generator.

sitemap-group 16x 16


Right-click to add a new sitemap.

sitemap 16x 16


Press F4 or Alt-Enter or Right-click to display the Properties window.

template-group 16x 16


Right-click to add a new template folder.

templatefolder 16x 16

Template folder

Right-click to add a new template.

datatemplate 16x 16


Press F4 or Alt-Enter or Right-click to display the Properties window.

virtualhost-group 16x 16

Virtual hosts

Right-click to add a new virtual host.

virtualhost 16x 16

Virtual host

Press F4 or Alt-Enter or Right-click to display the Properties window.

Context menu

Right-click on a project node in the Model explorer and you should see the context menu items.


Menu Items


Press F4 or Alt-Enter or Right-click to display the Properties window.

Press F2 or Right-click to rename the selected item.

Press Suppr or Right-click to remove the selected item.

Caution note Caution

The selected item should not be referenced in elsewhere the application - mappings, triggers or transformations - to be removed.

See Also

Other Resources