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Discovering The Data Filter Editor

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

This topic will help you use the data filter editor.

Tip Tip

The Filters tab will be displayed with a SQL database.

Setting Filters

To set a filter on a data table:

  1. Select a table in the left side explorer.

  2. Select the Filters tab in the right pane.

  3. Click the add-conditionexpression_16x16 button in the toolbar to insert a new condition.

  4. Modify the selected condition:

    • Select a column in the list,

    • Select a filter operator,

    • Add a value.

To add a condition to the filter:

  1. Click the add-conditiongroup 16x 16 button in the toolbar to insert a new group.

  2. Select the logical operator betwween AND, OR.

  3. Add a new condition expression.

To remove a condition:

  1. Click a filter's line to highlight the expression you want to remove.

  2. Click the remove-condition 16x 16 button in the toolbar to remove the selected element.
